Wednesday, March 30, 2011

20 Simple Ways to Get Happy

Happiness is ephemeral, subject to the vagaries of everything from the weather to the size of your bank account.

We’re not suggesting that you can reach a permanent state called “happiness” and remain there. But there are many ways to swerve off the path of anxiety, anger, frustration, and sadness into a state of happiness once or even several times throughout the day. Here are 20 ideas to get you started. Choose the ones that work for you. If tuning out the news or making lists will serve only to stress you further, try another approach.
1. Practice mindfulness. 
Be in the moment. Instead of worrying about your checkup tomorrow while you have dinner with your family, focus on the here and now — the food, the company, the conversation.
2. Laugh out loud. 
Just anticipating a happy, funny event can raise levels of endorphins and other pleasure-inducing hormones and lower production of stress hormones. Researchers at the University of California, Irvine, tested 16 men who all agreed they thought a certain videotape was funny. Half were told three days in advance they would watch it. They started experiencing biological changes right away. When they actually watched the, their levels of stress hormones dropped significantly, while their endorphin levels rose 27 percent and their growth hormone levels (indicating benefit to the immune system) rose 87 percent.
3. Go to sleep. 
We have become a nation of sleep-deprived citizens. Taking a daily nap or getting into bed at 8 p.m. one night with a good book — and turning the light out an hour later — can do more for your mood and outlook on life than any number of bubble baths or massages.
4. Hum along. 
Music soothes more than the savage beast. Studies find music activates parts of the brain that produce happiness — the same parts activated by food or sex. It’s also relaxing. In one study older adults who listened to their choice of music during outpatient eye surgery had significantly lower heart rates, blood pressure, and cardiac workload (that is, their heart didn’t have to work as hard) as those who had silent surgery.
5. Declutter. 
It’s nearly impossible to meditate, breathe deeply, or simply relax when every surface is covered with papers and bills and magazines, your cabinets bulge, and you haven’t balanced your checkbook in six months. Plus, the repetitive nature of certain cleaning tasks — such as sweeping, wiping, and scrubbing — can be meditative in and of itself if you focus on what you’re doing.
6. Just say no. 
Eliminate activities that aren’t necessary and that you don’t enjoy. If there are enough people already to handle the church bazaar and you’re feeling stressed by the thought of running the committee for yet another year, step down and let someone else handle things.
7. Make a list. 
There’s nothing like writing down your tasks to help you organize your thoughts and calm your anxiety. Checking off each item provides a great sense of fulfillment.
8. Do one thing at a time. 
Edward Suarez, Ph.D., associate professor of medical psychology at Duke, found that people who multitask are more likely to have high blood pressure. Take that finding to heart. Instead of talking on the phone while you fold laundry or clean the kitchen, sit down in a comfortable chair and turn your entire attention over to the conversation. Instead of checking e-mail as you work on other projects, turn off your e-mail function until you finish the report you’re writing. This is similar to the concept of mindfulness.
9. Garden. 
Not only will the fresh air and exercise provide their own stress reduction and feeling of well-being, but the sense of accomplishment that comes from clearing a weedy patch, watching seeds turn into flowers, or pruning out dead wood will last for hours, if not days.
10. Tune out the news. 
For one week go without reading the newspaper, watching the news, or scanning the headlines online. Instead, take a vacation from the misery we’re exposed to every day via the media and use that time for a walk, a meditation session, or to write in your journal.
11. Take a dog for a walk. 
There are numerous studies that attest to the stress-relieving benefits of pets. In one analysis researchers evaluated the heart health of 240 couples, half of whom owned a pet. Those couples with pets had significantly lower heart rates and blood pressure levels when exposed to stressors than the couples who did not have pets. In fact, the pets worked even better at buffering stress than the spouses did.
12. Scent the air. 
Research finds that the benefits of aromatherapy in relieving stress are real. In one study people exposed to rosemary had lower anxiety levels, increased alertness, and performed math computations faster. Adults exposed to lavender showed an increase in the type of brain waves that suggest increased relaxation. Today you have a variety of room-scenting methods, from plug-in air fresheners to essential oil diffusers, potpourri, and scented candles.
13. Ignore the stock market. 
Simply getting your quarterly 401(k) statement can be enough to send your blood pressure skyrocketing. In fact, Chinese researchers found a direct link between the daily performance of the stock market and the mental health of those who closely followed it. Astute investors know that time heals most financial wounds, so give your investments time — and give yourself a break.
14. Visit a quiet place. 
Libraries, museums, gardens, and places of worship provide islands of peace and calm in today’s frantic world. Find a quiet place near your house and make it your secret getaway.
15. Volunteer. 
Helping others enables you to put your own problems into perspective and also provides social interaction. While happy people are more likely to help others, helping others increases your happiness. One study found that volunteer work enhanced all six aspects of well-being: happiness, life satisfaction, self-esteem, sense of control over life, physical health, and depression.
16. Spend time alone. 
Although relationships are one of the best antidotes to stress, sometimes you need time alone to recharge and reflect. Take yourself out to lunch or to a movie, or simply spend an afternoon reading, browsing in a bookstore, or antiquing.
17. Walk mindfully. 
You probably already know that exercise is better than tranquilizers for relieving anxiety and stress. But what you do with your mind while you’re walking can make your walk even more beneficial. In a study called the Ruth Stricker Mind/Body Study, researchers divided 135 people into five groups of walkers for 16 weeks. Group one walked briskly, group two at a slow pace, and group three at a slow pace while practicing “mindfulness,” a mental technique to bring about the relaxation response, a physiological response in which the heart rate slows and blood pressure drops. This group was asked to pay attention to their footsteps, counting one, two, one, two, and to visualize the numbers in their mind. Group four practiced a form of tai chi, and group five served as the control, changing nothing about their lives. The group practicing mindfulness showed significant declines in anxiety and had fewer negative and more positive feelings about themselves. Overall they experienced the same stress-reducing effects of the brisk walkers. Better yet, the effects were evident immediately.
18. Give priority to close relationships. 
One study of more than 1,300 men and women of various ages found that those who had a lot of supportive friends were much more likely to have healthier blood pressure, cholesterol levels, blood sugar metabolism, and stress hormone levels than those with two or fewer close friends. Women, and to a lesser extent men, also seemed to benefit from good relationships with their parents and spouses. Studies also find that people who feel lonely, depressed, and isolated are three to five times more likely to get sick and die prematurely than those who have feelings of love, connection, and community.
19. Take care of the soul. 
In study after study, actively religious people are happier and cope better with crises, according to David Myers, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at Hope College in Holland, Michigan. For many people faith provides a support community, a sense of life’s meaning, feelings of ultimate acceptance, a reason to focus beyond yourself, and a timeless perspective on life’s woes. Even if you’re not religious, a strong spirituality may offer similar benefits.
20. Count your blessings. 
People who pause each day to reflect on some positive aspect of their lives (their health, friends, family, freedom, education, etc.) experience a heightened sense of well-being.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Earthquake in Myanmar

A strong earthquake struck Myanmar near the Thai border on Thursday, killing at least two people, including a child, officials from both countries said, with shaking felt across the region.

full story click here

p.s. omg so near to malaysia 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dinner treat

We were so bored in the morning, I came to disturb Zam and Don playing pool at their place. Somehow we got into a plan to have dinner together. We decided to go to D'Arab cafe in Putrajaya since its on me ^^v

this one was taken in Saba during lunch, Hafiz refuse to take picture today so i used this to replace today's outing.

Anyway some pretty nice pictures were captured, the view damn nice.

nice view



 me again :P

someone in the middle

We also forgot to take pictures of our food, since all of us were really hungry at that time. Right after everything already on the table we didn't wait any longer to!

p.s. if only i have slr camera :(

Elizabeth Taylor dies at 79

Elizabeth Taylor, the actress who dazzled generations of moviegoers with her stunning beauty and whose name was synonymous with Hollywood glamor, died Wednesday in Los Angeles. She was 79. The cause was congestive heart failure.

Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor was born in London, England, on February 27, 1932. Although she was born an English, her parents were Americans, art dealers from St. Louis, Missouri (her father had gone to London to set up a gallery). Her mother had been an actress on the stage, but gave up that vocation when she married. Elizabeth lived in London until the age of seven, when the family left for the US when the clouds of war began brewing in Europe in 1939. They sailed without her father, who stayed behind to wrap up the loose ends of the art business.

In a career of more than 70 years and more than 50 films, she won two Academy Awards as best actress, for her performances as a call girl in “Butterfield 8” (in 1960) and as the acid-tongued Martha in “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?” (in 1966). Mike Nichols, who directed her in “Virginia Woolf,” said he considered her “one of the greatest cinema actresses.”

Late in her life, she became known as a social activist. After the death of her friend Rock hudson, she was a founder of the American Foundation for AIDS Research and devoted a great deal of her time to raising money for it. In 1997, she said, “I use my fame now when I want to help a cause or other people.”

p.s. love her seductive eyes

How to tell if a man likes you.

Here are some body language signs of men when they are attracted to a woman.

Tentative Eye Contact 
It might come as a surprise to many women but most men tend to be shy about making eye contact with the woman they feel strongly attracted to. If you catch a man looking at you when you are not looking in his direction, and who swiftly turns his glance away the moment you look at him, it would indicate that he secretly finds you attractive (it may not be love, but he's definitely attracted). If you find a guy making sheepish eye contact with you, ever so often, it's a sure shot sign of his attraction for you. 

The warm smile

When in love, guys are less likely to display "flirty" behavior and more likely to behave in a "gentlemanly" manner. Most of them would display a warm smile to show their respect, adoration or admiration for you. If you feel a warmth, and respect, in his smile, it's an indication that he finds you pretty (rather than "hot") and may have gushy feelings of love for you, rather than testosterone pumped lust. So a warm smile is a good thing, and it suggests the possibility of love interest.

You might even see a guy smiling nervously at you, with an uncertain half smile. This indicates that he's is attracted to you but feels "insecure" about his chances with you. You can put him at ease by returning a warm smile, then the next time he sees you he will be more assured in his smile. 

The Helpful Attitude
If you find a man trying to be helpful of you, assisting you or giving you more importance, at the office, it's indicative of his interest in you. Men are usually very conservative about offering help, especially in office, and they would do so only if they have an interest in being close to you. He may offer to assist you with your office work, try to help you repair or sort out stuff, get you coffee or water, offer you a ride home or just look out for you at the meetings. 

Finding out if you have a boyfriend?
If a man is really serious about you, then he will definitely try to find out if you already have an on-going relationship with another guy. Some men might ask you this question directly whereas others will try to find this out by some other means like asking your friends or someone who is close to you. He might even ask you indirect questions about your plan for the weekend. All these are ways to find out if you already have a boyfriend. Once a man is sure that you are single, he will make his next move or wait for you to make a move by giving you all the right signals.

Asking for a date

Fear of getting rejected stops most men from making this final move; which is asking a girl for a date. Most men will instead send indirect signals that they want to date you. Some examples are - asking to drop you home (if you are working in the same office or studying in the same school/college), getting you gifts, telling you about their weekend plans (suggesting they are alone). He will try to see if you pick up the opportunity and open up an invitation for a date. Of course, some guys would be a lot more direct in their asking.

Taking the relationship forward

Once you start dating, you are likely to figure out the real chemistry between the two of you. The relationship may fizzle out or become a really stable one, depending on your compatibility. Guys become much more open about their emotions and feelings once they are feel comfortable in a girl's company (they rarely talk about their emotions with their guy friends, unlike girls).

So these are some of the ways in which you can tell if a man likes you. With some deliberate observation you can pick up on the body language of a man who's attracted to you, and then proceed to either give him a green signal or block him out with your coldness.

p.s.  girls can you tell now?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Celebrities with Thyroid Disorders

If you're having thyroid disorders, here gives you a quick look at celebrities with thyroid disorders. From hypothyroidism to thyroid cancer, you just might discover that you and your favorite star have the same thyroid disorder.

Daytime talk show diva Oprah Winfrey announced her thyroid problems in 2007. Before she was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, she struggled with weight gain and felt exhausted all the time.

Famous film critic Roger Ebert was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer in 2002. Since then, he has had multiple surgeries as a result of his thyroid condition.
Although today he’s unable to speak, he uses a computer program that turns text into speech to communicate, and he still writes movie reviews.

TV’s toughest trainer and fitness guru Jillian Michaels has worked hard to manage her hypothyroidism with a healthy, active lifestyle.

Musician and singer-songwriter Rod Stewart was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2000. He had to re-learn how to sing after his thyroid cancer surgery.

Former President George H. W. Bush was diagnosed with Graves' disease in 1991 and was treated with radioactive iodine. His wife, former First Lady Barbara Bush, was also diagnosed with Graves' disease around the same time—interestingly enough, so was their dog Millie.

Actress and screenwriter Nia Vardalos, best known for her role in My Big Fat Greek Wedding, has Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

p.s. celebrities are just like everyone else.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Friday, March 18, 2011

Why Tun Dr. Mahathir is special?

As we know Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad is the longest-serving prime minister of Malaysia from 1981-2003.   Recently, the book "Memoirs of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad" was release nationwide. As I know it received overwhelming feedback, you need to grab it really fast.

Product Details
ISBN-13: 9789675997228
Publication date: March 2011
Publisher: MPH Group

I do wanna grab one for myself. Anyway the reason I'm talking about Tun Dr. Mahathir today is because I saw him this morning while I'm on the way to work. I saw police traffic, I can sense that there must be someone big gone past through. The light was red but as we know these people get privileges, so I look at the car beside me and I saw Tun Dr. Mahathir. Suddenly, I'm not angry anymore, in fact I'm happy to see him. he was reading the newspaper. Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah was beside him, of course. 

Sometimes I do think why Tun Dr. Mahathir is very special, he's even bigger than a celebrity. Why some people hate him? As a prime minister he was strict with his decision, if he thinks he's doing the right thing he won't care what people say. He openly criticizes Malays. As what I can see he's not against Malays but he wants us to improve ourself. He has done so much for Malays but that doesn't mean he is racist. He came from non-Malay ancestry where his father was of mixed Malay and Indian descent and his mother was a Malay

There are so many things to talk about him, i just couldn't find words to describe everything...i guess it might lead to a book :P

p.s. Tun Dr. Mahathir vs. Justin Bieber who's bigger ?