Thursday, May 21, 2009


Today was abit relaxing after maths paper this morning. Believe it or not 3 papers in 2 days done just like that leaving the headache...fear...tense before taking the exam. I just got to know from a friend that actually it is allowed to complain if the schedule having 3 papers in 2 days. Anyway i went through it already..hopefully everything will be fine. I slept the whole evening and re-energized myself. Get ready to prepare for the next paper.

Despite all the tense during week exam, i do feel lonely in between. There are times that i tried not to think about those things but i failed. There are times when i know what i want but there are also times when i don't know what I want. Sometimes i feel lost..i know there's no easy things in life but human never satisfy with what they have. Thinking about what i have it's kinda tough because i don't really see it. I need others to tell me what i have that they don't have. If i look back 3 years ago..completed my diploma and most of us go their own path. Some goes find jobs, some further the studies which i did, and my best friend got married.I can't describe how lost i am when i was in beta year. I was alone..not used to it. Even after i got back from cyberjaya i still can't cope with the new environment. I feel that there are still memories around campus that never realy leaves me. I tried to be strong, find new friends doesn't matter a true friends or friends with benefits...and try to smile to people which i seldom do before. Anyhow all that makes me who i am today. Some friends said that i'm changing and I know i have changed but certain things never changed.

Now, i'm back on next year i'll be graduating,hopefully everything goes well. Since everyone keep asking when do i finish studying. I'm so sick if it, do they think its easy. All they know is keep asking when i'm going to get married. It seems like most of my cousins already have their own family and some going to have own family. Good for them, it's their time. Not everybody so lucky can get what they want and I am different from others. I'm a late bloomer and i'm still learning about life. I need to find my dreams and owns the world.

I hope i can see the future.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Weather so hot

Today i submit my assignment early before my tutorial because i don't want to think about it anymore. After class meet my fren, she after muet speaking test so she tells me some tips. Then go to library meet other frens who give me bad news about assignment..but i already submitted what. Feel lazy to think and the weather so hot make me headache..went back home,i skipped evening class also since i'll be staring at the lecturer without knowing what is happening. Anyway, preparing for tomorrow, ticket,passport,water,video,letter,everything checked..just make sure i never sleep. My laptop will company me. Listening to oldies songs..nice :-)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Busy day

Today was a very bad day but i guess i end it quite nice since i eat machi. Firstly assignment..everything last minute i don't know how to cope with it,yet still another assignment to go. In about 2 weeks is final exam, i also got muet test speaking on may 13..hopefully everything goes well. Adding to may bad day today, i woke up late this morning and i can't find my specs. Actually i feel regret going to class also, the lecturer discussing past year paper but i can't eyes got problem. When i use contact lens it was better. Then my car keys split into 2 separating the keys and the alarm button. Just i press then i went inside the car it's gone. luckily only inside the car. The last tutorial class was ok although i don't understand but mr. jason was giving so much advice to Thank you :-)

Just now someone call me talking about his brother gone loose his job sound so sad telling his problem. My answer was simple "get help from ur gf". Since the brother wasn't really nice to me so why do i care. Mind ur own this time where's ur so called perfect gf?? U don't like me for no reason i also don't like u. When ur at the top u forgot others go enjoy with ur gf and say no money..what goes around comes around.

Spoil my mood only listening to all that..i'm already happy eating machi..

Saturday, May 2, 2009



Stay at home doing assignment and my mother is working. Feel lazy to go out. Since all my frens went back hometown...Non-stop i watch one tree hill. Whole day in front of my laptop,thats my life. Sometimes when i go out can be lonely too so i rather stay at home and save money for my trip. Hope it come true because i want to shopping. When i go shopping i feel happy. Anyway still long way, now cracking my head with this MATLAB...who is responsible inventing this MATLAB i don't know..make my life sucks. Everyhing also use MATLAB.