Around 10.30 a.m.
Pragash officially acknowledging us that he's gone take over batch 2. Sad news for us, we can't do anything. He told us that Nic gone take over after lunch, somehow we were abandoned till 3 something.
4 p.m.
All of us waited in the meeting room, since Nic says he gone brief us about new processes. Well, he came in around 4.30 p.m. Eventually all of us feels sleepy and most of us slept in the room. Obviously we missed Pragash :-(
After 5 p.m.
Continued chit chatting at the floor. The hot topic is 'jealousy' and 'trustworthy'. It seems like most of us can't have the opposite sex as
p.s. just wanna go home :(
"It seems like most of us can't have the opposite sex as best friends"
yg terbaik ialah, kahwin dgn kwn baik anda sendiri :D. itu yg terbaik kan...
tgok cte valentines day x ?? hehe..
i dont agree with that statement.. we can always have a best fren who is in the opposite sex.. i do have..
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